Monday, December 7, 2009

Choloisms (Facebook Status Updates Compilation)

***I never though they were going to be this many... these are status updates for my contacts on Facebook. Reflections of what i felt on particular moments, events or even food... Hope you could pick a line or two from this. Kisskiss! :)***

"Always treat your work, product, action, behavior and specially your name like it's a brand... " -Choloisms

"The ride was kinda bumpy, like a bulbous ginger ready to be peeled from the earth... peeled gingerly (no pun intended) to expose the fragrant flesh... like a day in my life... earthily dark soil, plucked, peeled and then being thrown to the hot wok after." -Choloisms

"It just felt like good old fashion pesto... not really osterizing... it's a feeling of gently pounding me with pine nuts and parmesan... and oiling me with some lovely extra virgin-ness..." -Choloisms

"I reckon if COMELEC gave a simpler reason for turning down LADLAD, like basically the pseudo conservative system isn't ready for anything like it, and not in the grounds of immorality, it could have been more palatable for everyone.... stupid reasons come from stupid people... and yes, our taxes pay them to do that (unfortunately)..." –Choloisms

"I long forgot being religious... I reckon that there is more substance and weight to life if you’re being spiritual..." –Choloisms

"How can a disease, such as AIDS apply in the principles of the law of attraction? If you shout to the universe to eradicate such stigma to the gay community, then it’s also an absolute validation of its existence... chicken or egg dilemma once again." -Choloisms

"AIDS' infamy as a disease isn't really because of its deadly nature, but because for the longest time people has associated it with the gay people- man has to accuse someone for the fault, while the accused burdened by the stigma of a false notion- at the end of the day, its just another disease that validates our mortality as humans... regardless of our demographics" -Choloisms for World Aids Day

"The death of one media practitioner dominoes into the grieving of two parents that nee, a wife, a brood, peers, a community gone mute, a province deafened, an island without a view, a country's spirit scarred... one death, one eye pierced not to see, one voice not to speak... one is the prerequisite of a lot of numbers..." -Choloisms

''What's the point? If your life is ruled by question marks?'' -Choloisms

"The best thing about cooking for family and friends? The most extravagant ingredient that you could mix in isn't really written on recipe books, can’t be bought on markets and delis, and doesn’t require you to chop, mince, or slice it... its LOVE." -Choloisms

"Progress as a nation doesn’t only pertain to Urbanization and Modernity... sometimes it deals with knowledge, collective wisdom as a whole, a principle, a thought... a crave for further-ment of one's self and his emotions... even a step back to rekindle lost cultural heritage...the simplest of steps produces the deepest effects in progress..." -Choloisms

"its so hard being a taurean... deep natured and often patiently silent even in the face of what seems to be a heated debate... it becomes an advantage, you believe in the fluency of your silence... then at the tip of your tongue, the first letter of your first cuss word escapes... all hell brakes loose..." -Choloisms

"in his amber skin i reside, mine, pale and cold... thawing the winter from my heart... his body, the smell of musk and grass, whiffs of anticipation... of desire... of love, i succumb to thee..." -Choloisms

"Manny, we are greatful for your win and very proud of you... but the singing ala concert performer really sucks... a simple thank you will do for the entire nation..." -Choloisms

"a call for public service doesn't really require you to run for office... otherwise, it morphs into what we call politics... if youre passionate about change and helping out, then just do so." -Choloisms

"You loved me in my worst, when my halo broke, horns beacon, wings gilt with soot... your love cleansed, you're long gone... my horn stabbed in your heart, never gone... now you're in worst, and I, in my best... should i love you?.. I should." ---Choloisms

"When you arrive at the moment when in your singlehood, you still feel love, contentment peace and calm... that's your clue that you ARE living your life." -Choloisms

"come to think of it, Love is like a boiling pot of caramelized sugar, amberish and mystical, boiling glaze of sweetness... till you try and taste it and scald your curious tongue... but hey, bottom line, it’s still sweet... sweet misery..." -Choloisms

"The end of the world starts not with earthquakes, tsunamis, or any other natural disasters, it would start when man defied the Existence of his faith and God... when faith is gone, so is our humanity" -Choloisms

"love becomes a myth to those who doesn't believe its existence... the being of love is what you make out of it..." -Choloisms

"Love for me isn't a gift, a gesture, a scholarly thing that you try to learn, dissect and analyze... Love is an ability. Simple." -Choloisms

"Slutting around and sleeping with guys frequently doesnt really fall on your dieticians's prescription of a complex protein diet" -Choloisms

"Almost everyone wanted to change the world, but always seem to forget that its a selfish reason... change should start from oneself..." -Choloisms

"The rains came back, kissing the heel of the island torn... a tease, a threat, nature's caress... mother who sobs, children of tears, let us ressurect first before another sneeze..." Choloisms

"I’m scared of my thoughts, plans for the future... scared in the sense that these plans are bigger than i am, overwhelming, meaningful... and theyre not even for myself..." -Choloisms

"I had to be where the chocolate rivers cascade along the mountain with a peak dusted with powdered sugar... there i would meet granny smith and a pooch named Syrup... toting a bottle of mable for travelers..." -Choloisms

"The Southeast Asian tragedies are the beginnings of a new breed of people... Filipinos shall prevail as expected, but hopefully wiser and more compassionate..." -Choloisms

"I did wait for you behind the accacia tree bt you were nowhere to be found, the floods brushing my cold legs shaking, but still i stood there waiting... no sign of you... just the murky waters and the accacia..." -Choloisms

"When will Filipinos be Filipinos? when will Filipinos stop blaming superiors for their miseries and actually take charge and take responisblity for themseves and for their country at the same time?" -Choloisms

"What's the point in orchestrating a dish, with all saying their best opinions regarding the positive technicalities, layers of flavors and all that crappy statements food critics have, other than delicious?" -Choloisms

"I hope people running for 2010 are taking notes with what's happening right now... and hopefully they're not talking about typhoon proof campaign materials." -Choloisms

"The tides have hammered the shore backwards, receding almost... with the moon nowhere to be found... then a strange thing observed, how the tides existed on a sea-less society?"- Choloisms

"Passion for something isn't the only attitude to have in order to achieve something... it entails two more things... initiative and patience..." -Choloisms

"The rains hasn't come to pass... the land drenched still in suffering and irresponsibility from people who couldnt give a damn... in natures wrath we could only watch... "- Choloisms

"I have frozen my heart in solitude, it doesnt feel right... but i chose too... an egoistic, selfish heart set aside for the greater good... i knew all along that i wasn't meant for one person alone... but i belong to everyone... a cause bigger than me... i succumb, finally." -Choloisms

"I'm a twin virgin thats half water, half earth and born under the Bull's sign Taurus..."- Choloisms.

"Why would i force myself to fall for one person like the norms of people states? when i could love fifteen at the same time... TWICE!"- Choloisms

"During the disaster relief efforts, it occured to me that I’m living in a country lacking heroes... maybe because when everyone is... no one becomes... which is a good thing." -Choloisms

"Now I know why there's an eerie silence before the natural disaster hit our shores... it wasn’t anticipation of disaster and great peril... it was the sound of a country in prayer... we must have done something right this time" -Choloisms

"I salute my race for using his greatest and most powerful weapon ever... Faith... it gave our democracy back... and not to mention veering off a major natural disaster..." -Choloisms

"You know the feeling of being announced as the new miss universe, combined with the feeling of being in front of a roller coaster at its highest drop?... thats the feeling i have now, hearing the final chirps of the birds before the storm..."- Choloisms

"When I heard the news regarding escaped crocodiles lurking in the floods of manila, I thought they were being literal..."- Choloisms

"The rains hasn't stop yet, and there will be more to come... admit it or not, this is the world as we manipulated it... nature would take its course, and humanity insignificant... there are laws she abides, not ours... but we have FAITH... so we pray." -Choloisms

"How much more a race drenched in suffering could endure? when resilience is dwindling... when a wound not yet healed is opened again... when humanity is at its brink of breaking down... when people expected to help needed help too?... PRAYERS... we turn to Him- for our race has SOUL" -Choloisms

"There's an eerie calm this morning-there's a sigh of relief thet the storm has passed, but half of you alarmed with images that you might witness below the waterline, it’s almost the calm you get before you sob-maybe it’s not "calm" after all... it’s a pause of shock" -Choloisms

"Did it ever dawned to you that we were born in this world involuntarily only to slave ourselves there after with man made laws and work... all of this with the knowledge of we all eventually die in the end?"-Choloisms

"You do NOT... finish my sentence!"-Choloisms

"So you think your God's gift to the universe and the key to unveiling the truth about what's the next big thing in moisturizers... to tell you frankly, you should look for a wrinkled prune that you deserve..." -Choloisms

"I never really love Mondays... aside from the word phonetically similar to a very much hated ex's name, it is also... err... well I think that's the only reason why..." -Choloisms.

"How can we champion a nationality that is devoid of a backbone? riding on other people's accomplishments?"- Choloisms

"With only one heart, I’ve loved 10 men simultaneously... without them knowing it..." Choloisms

"Imagine, man created numbers for the mere luxury of measuring his achievements- stocks graphs, 99.00's, 100%'s, 92.03 second 100 meter dash... when success is a humble personal feeling..."- Choloisms

"I was brought up perfectly by my parents... i was always told to be when i grow up, to have a childish disposition with the credibility of an adult..." -Choloisms

"Come to think of it... if at the end of the day. you have the luxury of laughing at all the errors and faux pas in your life, then that's a sign that you actually made it..." -Choloisms

"I was raised to wear the pants of the family... I worked hard, toiled for the reigns... only to find out in the end that skirts work better on me... while carrying a shotgun and a very fat pink purse..." -Choloisms

"If Everyone made themselves responsible Filipinos both as individuals and as a nation, and put their heart and soul into this endeavor, then having a government, less a president down, seemed redundant."-Choloisms

"I would appreciate if you understand me more, settle and think of where you want to lead us... and i would appreciate it more if you add extra fries on my burger or just go biggie size and stop cutting back on my cupcake habit!" -Choloisms

“I was born with a fire tongue and an iced heart... fortunately I have the sweet tooth to compensate from this bitter world....”-Choloisms

“I learned five languages in order to convey my message… only to find out in the end that the best way to say it is to be silent.” -Choloisms